Welcome to

South Leeds Aero Modellers Society.

SLAMS is a radio control flying club for anyone who is interested in flying model aircraft from fixed wing to helicopters, props to jets, single engine to multi engine.

If you are interested in flying model aircraft then please come along to our flying site at Middleton Park, or contact us using the the form found in our contact page. 

Our Club

We are a radio control flying club with over 25 years of history, we have a varied range of pilots from young pilots at 8 years of age.

We are a British Model Flying Association (BMFA) affiliated club NO436, with all members holding BMFA membership and BMFA insurance.

All of our flyers are friendly and eager to explain the concepts of radio-controlled models of all kinds, We have an active Facebook group so our Friendship doesn't only reside on the field.

Why not check out our three stages of flying at our club below? If you are happy with what you see, please visit our membership page for our annual registration fees.
Stage 1 - Training

We offer training using our club equipment, so if you need to know if model aircraft flying is for you.

Why not ask for a trial flight?

Stage 2 - Competency Test    

Our club offers an in-house competency test to get you flying solo. We can also help you pass your BMFA A test if required.

Stage 3 - Solo

Once you have completed your competency test or passed the BMFA A test, you can then take to the skies and have fun.


Membership term 1st January to 31st December

Senior Price £40
Junior Price £28

The club also requires BMFA insurance which can be found below


You will also require a CAA Operator ID and Flyer ID which can be found and paid for below

CAA Website


Committee Panel

  • Chairman
  • David Leybourne
  • chairmanslams@gmail.com
  • 07921 838443

  • Vice Chairman
  • Phil Steele
  • vicechairmanslams@gmail.com

  • Treasurer
  • Chris Fishburn
  • treasurerslams@gmail.com

  • Secretary 
  • Simon Crowe
  • secretaryslams@gmail.com

Ask for a callback

Our Club Constitution

Download PDF

Our next meeting

Wednesday 5th June 2024
7:00pm Start

Middleton Conservative Club
LS10 4AX